Rotary Encoder
OstBridge team specializes in offering a wide range of comprehensive solutions and components for various applications in the fields of rotary encoders.

At OstBridge, we pride ourselves on delivering rotary encoders of exceptional quality, durability, and precision to our valued customers. Whether it's for elevator systems, machine tools, or servo drives, we have the expertise to provide tailored solutions that meet your specific requirements..

Relative Brands:
Comprehensive Rotary Encoder
experiences to fullfill your
precise motion measureing projects.
  • -Vast expertise in Encoder applications
    We are familiar with the application scenarios of rotary encoders, our team will recommend the most suitable rotary encoder according to your actual application parameter requirements.

  • -Strong engineer and sales team
    Local technical team is available for selection, local installation and testing. International sales team can provide quotation service for global customers.

  • -One-stop Encoder Solution
    We have established relationships with many of the world's leading encoder manufacturers and can offer our customers a choice of all branded rotary encoders.
Precision Rotary Encoders: Empowering
Machines and Instruments Worldwid
Basic knowledge of Rotary encoders:
What is a rotary encoder?

A rotary encoder, also known as a shaft encoder, is an electro-mechanical device that converts the angular position or motion of a shaft or axle into analog or digital output signals. It serves as a means to measure and monitor the rotation or position of a shaft.

Rotary encoder classification:

Rotary encoder Incremental Rotary Encoder An incremental encoder generates signals that provide information about the shaft's motion. These signals are typically processed elsewhere to derive details such as position, speed, and distance
Absolute Rotary Encoder An absolute encoder provides output signals that directly indicate the current position of the shaft, essentially functioning as an angle transducer
How Rotary Encoder works?

A rotary encoder typically consists of two main components: a rotating disk or knob and a stationary sensor. The disk or knob is attached to a rotating shaft, and as the shaft is turned, the disk or knob also rotates.

The stationary sensor, which is usually located near the edge of the rotating disk, detects the position of the disk or knob as it rotates. There are two main types of rotary encoders: incremental encoders and absolute encoders. Let's look at how each of them works:

1. Incremental Encoder:

  • In an incremental encoder, the rotating disk has evenly spaced markings or slots on its surface. The stationary sensor, often an optical sensor or a magnetic sensor, detects these markings as the disk rotates.
  • As the disk rotates, the sensor generates electrical pulses or signals, typically in the form of square waves, based on the detected markings. The number of pulses per revolution is known as the encoder's resolution.
  • The direction of rotation can be determined by the order in which the pulses are generated. For example, if the pulses occur in a certain sequence (e.g., A-B-A-B), it indicates clockwise rotation, while a different sequence (e.g., A-B-B-A) indicates counterclockwise rotation.
  • By counting the pulses and keeping track of the direction, the position, speed, and relative movement of the encoder can be determined. However, an incremental encoder does not provide absolute position information.

2. Absolute Encoder:

  • An absolute encoder, unlike an incremental encoder, provides absolute position information. It does this by assigning a unique binary code or digital value to each position on the rotating disk.
  • The disk in an absolute encoder is divided into multiple concentric tracks, each with a specific binary pattern or code. The stationary sensor reads the code on each track as the disk rotates.
  • The sensor translates the binary code into electrical signals that represent the absolute position of the encoder. Each unique position on the disk corresponds to a specific binary value, allowing for accurate position tracking.
  • Absolute encoders can provide position information even after power loss or when the system is turned off and on again.
What are the Advantages of Rotary Encoders?
  • Non-contact sensing: Most rotary encoders use non-contact sensing technology, such as optical, magnetic, or capacitive sensors, to measure the rotary position and speed, eliminating the mechanical wear and friction that are common in contact-based sensors.
  • High accuracy and resolution: Rotary encoders can provide high-resolution measurements of rotary position and speed, with typical resolutions ranging from a few degrees to sub-degree or even arc-second-level accuracy.
  • Easy integration: Rotary encoders are typically compact, lightweight, and easy to integrate into various mechanical systems, such as motors, gearboxes, and shafts. They are available in various sizes, mounting options, and communication protocols, to fit different applications.
  • Real-time feedback: Rotary encoders can provide real-time feedback of the rotary position and speed, enabling precise and dynamic control of the motion of the machine or the system.
  • Safety features: Some rotary encoders include safety features, such as fault detection, signal interpolation, and redundant channels, to ensure safe and reliable operation in critical applications, such as medical devices and aerospace.
How to choose a rotary encoder brand?
When selecting a rotary encoder brand, it's crucial to consider several factors to ensure you make the right choice. Here are some key points to keep in mind:
  • Quality and Reliability
  • Application Compatibility
  • Industry Expertise
  • Customization Options
  • Cost and Value
What Parameters are needed to choose a rotary encoder?

To choose the right rotary encoder for your application, several parameters should be considered. These parameters include:

Resolution, Encoder Type, Output Type, Accuracy and Linearity, Interface Protocol, Environmental Considerations, Shaft Size and Mounting, Electrical Supply, Cost

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We're here to provide assistance. Our team of skilled sales and engineers are
dedicated to promptly addressing your most challenging and technical encoder inquiries.

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